We live by the Sun and feel by the Moon
Happy Imbolc 2024!
Ahimsa- Cultivating compassion on and off the mat.
Celebrate the Summer Solstice!
Celebrate the Winter Solstice.
The Ultimate Guide to Best Eco-Friendly Yoga Mats 2022
The Celtic Calendar- A Meditation for Imbolc
How to build a practice.
The Celtic Calendar- Winter Solstice Celebrations
Queen Beech
Yoga clothes for women
Starting out with yoga whatever your age
What to wear to yoga- a guide for women
6 unexpected reasons why you should be doing yoga at any age
Sthira sukham asanam- how to use yoga props
The benefits of Utkatasana- Stay steady and own your throne!
Samhain- find renewal in rest, sleep and meditation
The Power of Three- Tricky Trikonasana or Triangle Pose
Creating a home yoga space
Why we need creativity- what project can you start nurturing today?